1911 Census of England and Wales, Census Returns of England and Wales, 1911, giving details of Areas, Houses, Families or separate occupiers, and Population:- Occupations and Industries, Part I, Table 15 A : " Grouped occupations of Males and Females aged 10 years and upwards, in Administrative Counties, County Boroughs, Metropolitan Boroughs, Urban Districts of which the population exceeded 5,000 persons, aggregates of other Urban Districts, and aggregates of Rural Districts; also proportion per 1,000 of unmarried, married, widowed, and of married and widowed women engaged in occupations, and proportion of female domestic servants to separate occupiers or families, 1911 - Males".

List England Dep East Sussex AdmC
Occupation Males
Total Occupied or Unoccupied. 173,647 Show data context
Retired or Unoccupied. 35,760 Show data context
Engaged in occupations (Orders I-XXII). 137,887 Show data context
I. General or Local Government. 3,605 Show data context
II. Defence of the Country. 1,847 Show data context
III. Professional Occupations and their Subordinate Services. 7,884 Show data context
IV. 2. Domestic Outdoor Service. 7,398 Show data context
IV. 1, 3. Domestic Indoor and Other Service. 4,778 Show data context
V. 1, 3, 4. Merchants, Agents, Accountants; Banking, etc.; Insurance. 3,798 Show data context
V. 2. Commercial or Business Clerks. 2,747 Show data context
VI. Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages: On Railways. 3,996 Show data context
VI. Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages: On Roads. 7,236 Show data context
VI. Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages: On Seas, Rivers, and Canals. 938 Show data context
VI. Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages: Dock Labourers, Wharf Labourers, Coalheavers; Coal--Porters, Labourers. 812 Show data context
VI. Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages: Messengers, Porters, Watchmen (not Railway or Government). 4,112 Show data context
VI. Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages: Others in Conveyance of Men, Goods, and Messages. 222 Show data context
VII. Agriculture - On Farms, Woods, and Gardens. 20,860 Show data context
IX. 1. Coal and Shale Mine - Workers (including Mine Service). 11 Show data context
IX. 1. Others working in and about, and in the products of, Mines and Quarries. 337 Show data context
X. 3. General Engineering, and Machine Making. 3,256 Show data context
X. 1, 2, 5-8. Iron, Steel, etc. Manufacture; Tools; Dies, etc.; Arms; Misc. Metal Trades. 449 Show data context
X. 4. Electrical Apparatus. 994 Show data context
X. 9. Ships and Boats. 126 Show data context
X. 10. Cycles, Coaches, and other Vehicles. 2,077 Show data context
XI. Precious Metals, Jewels, Watches, Instruments, and Games. 1,169 Show data context
XII. Building, and Works of Construction. 16,799 Show data context
XIII. Wood, Furniture, Fittings, and Decorations. 3,062 Show data context
XIV. 1. Brick, Plain Tile, Terra-Cotta - Makers. 608 Show data context
XIV. 1. Earthenware, China, Porcelain, Glass - Manufacture. 52 Show data context
XV. Chemicals, Explosives, Oil, Grease, Soap, etc. 891 Show data context
XVI. 1, 2. Skins, Leather, Saddlery, and Harness. 333 Show data context
XVII. 2. Printers and Lithographers. 1,124 Show data context
XVII. 1, 2. Others in Paper, Prints, Books, and Stationery (excluding Stationers, Booksellers, Publishers, Newspaper Agents, and other Dealers). 156 Show data context
XVIII. 1-5. Textile Manufactures. 203 Show data context
XVIII. 6. Textile Bleaching, Printing, Dyeing, etc. 59 Show data context
XIX. 1. Tailors. 1,306 Show data context
XIX. 1. Boot, Shoe, Slipper, Patten, Clog - Makers. 1,306 Show data context
XIX. 1. Other Workers in Dress. 764 Show data context
XVIII. 7. Drapers, Linen Drapers, Mercers. XIX. 1. Dealers in Dress. 1,982 Show data context
XX. Food, Tobacco, Drink, and Lodging. 17,685 Show data context
XXII. 5. General Labourers; Factory Labourers (undefined). 4,409 Show data context
All Other Occupations. 8,496 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.