Category : SEG 1.2 (II): Managers - large establishments: Intermediate

Categories are the components of variables, so if a variable measures age then the categories are the age groups used, such as '10 to 14'.

SEG 1.2 (II): Managers - large establishments: Intermediate
Category (C)
Managers in central and local government, industry, commerce etc.: Intermediate occupations. Those who generally plan and supervise in non-agricultural enterprises of 25 people and more.

Category " SEG 1.2 (II): Managers - large establishments: Intermediate " is contained within:

Variables, defining what data was gathered for:

Entity ID Entity Name
V_SEG1971 Socio-Economic Groups, with sub-groups

Categories, defining the values available for each variable:

Entity ID Entity Name
C_SEG_1 SEG 1: Employers & managers - large establishments
C_RGSOC_2 Class 2
C_RGSOC_TOT_1 Social Class Total

Category " SEG 1.2 (II): Managers - large establishments: Intermediate " contains no lower-level entities.