A vision of Britain from 1801 to now.
Including maps, statistical trends and historical descriptions.
nCubes hold all the statistics presented by the Vision of Britain system, and are defined as combinations of variables. For example, the age-sex tables that appear in most census reports are held as two-dimensional nCubes in which one dimension is a variable categorising sex and the other variable defines a set of age groups. nCubes can have many dimensions, such as age by sex by occupation by cause of death, or just one.
Dataset Groups, bringing together related datasets:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
NG_AGCEN_CROP | Agricultural Census Crop Statistics |
Universes, definining what the values in datasets add up to:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
U_ARABLE_A | Total arable area in acres |
Variables, defining what data was gathered for :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
V_AGCEN_CROP_1970 | Agricultural Census Crop Categories for 1970 |
Each of our datasets, or nCubes, combines one or more variables (Var) each of which consists of a set of categories. The data map lists all the possible combinations of categories. The cell references are the identifiers held in our main table of statistics, recording what each number measures.
Cell Reference | Var | Category Value |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:wheat | 1 | Wheat |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:barley | 1 | Barley |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:oats | 1 | Oats |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:mixed_corn_thresh | 1 | Mixed Corn for threshing |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:rye_thresh | 1 | Rye for threshing |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:maize_thresh | 1 | Maize for threshing |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:maize_other | 1 | Other Maize |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:potatoes_first | 1 | Potatoes, first earlies |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:potatoes_main | 1 | Potatoes, main crop & second earlies |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:beans_feed | 1 | Beans for stockfeeding |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:turnip_swede_feed | 1 | Turnips, swedes & fodder beet for stockfeeding |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:mangold | 1 | Mangolds |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:rape_feed | 1 | Rape for stockfeeding |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:kale_feed | 1 | Kale for stockfeeding |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:cabbage_savoy_kohl_feed | 1 | Cabbage, savoys, & kohl rabi for stockfeeding |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:mustard | 1 | Mustard |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:other_feed | 1 | Other crops for stockfeeding |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:rape_oil | 1 | Rape grown for oilseed |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:sugarbeet | 1 | Sugar Beet |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:hops | 1 | Hops |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:orchard_comm | 1 | Orchards grown commercially |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:orchard_not_comm | 1 | Orchards not grown commercially |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:small_fruit_no_orch | 1 | Small fruit not under orchard trees |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:veg_in_open | 1 | Vegetables (excluding potatoes) grown in the open |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:crops_under_glass | 1 | Crops under glass or in sheds |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:flowers_in_open | 1 | Bulbs, flowers grown in the open, & hardy nursery stock |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:other_crop | 1 | All other crops |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:bare_fallow | 1 | Bare Fallow |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:lucerne | 1 | Lucerne |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:clover_rot_grass_mow | 1 | Clover & Rotation Grasses: For mowing |
AGCEN_CROP_1970:clover_rot_grass_graze | 1 | Clover & Rotation Grasses: For grazing |