Theme : Work & Poverty

Themes are used in the Vision of Britain system to organise all our statistical data into a small number of broad categories, often identified by icons on the web site.

Work & Poverty
Theme (T)
This theme is concerned with who was able to find work, and the consequences for those who could not. The census is not the ideal source to study these questions, because it is taken only every ten years, and we plan to add additional information from other sources such as the records of National Insurance and the Poor Law system, and their modern equivalents, Job Seekers Allowance and Income Support.

For now, our only non-census data here comes from the trade union-run welfare system that laid the foundations for the National Insurance system before the 1914-18 war. One strength of census data on unemployment is that it is relatively little affected by the changing rules of benefit systems, although we do add numbers on government training schemes to our figures for 1991.

For most of the twentieth century, the unemployment rate among women was of limited value. Many women were not involved in paid work, and even those with jobs had problems claiming benefits when they lost them. We therefore concentrate instead on the "activity rate", which measures what proportion of women were economically active, either in work or looking for it.

Theme " Work & Poverty " is contained within:

The Database, which everything else is contained within:

Entity ID Entity Name
DB VoB Database

Theme " Work & Poverty " contains:

Rates, for mapping and for comparing areas :

Entity ID Entity Name
R_CENSUS_MALE_UNEM Male Unemployment
R_CENSUS_MALE_SELFEMPL Male self-employment
R_CENSUS_FEM_ACTIVE Female Activity Rate
R_CLAIMANT_COUNT Claimant Count Unemployment
R_WELFARE Percentage of Total Population on Poor Relief
R_OUTDOOR_PAUPER Outdoor Poor Relief
R_AB_MALE_PAUPER Poor Relief to Able-Bodied Males
R_OUT_ABM_PAUPER_NOTSICK Outdoor Poor Relief to Able-Bodied Males "in Health"

Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data :

Entity ID Entity Name
N_CENSUS_ACTIVE_GEN Economically Active by Sex
N_WORKING_AGE All of Working Age, by Sex
N_ADJ_LUI_UNEM_PERCENT Percentage Unemployed by Category of the Insured (Adjusted)
N_CENSUS_EMPL Census Unemployment by Sex
N_INSURED_UNEM Claimant Count Unemployment
N_INSURED_UNEM_TOT All persons insured against unemployment
N_LUI_UNEM_PERCENT Percentage Unemployed by Category of the Insured
N_CLAIMANT_UNEM_AGESEX Numbers Unemployed by Category
N_WEEKLY_WAGES Weekly Wages Rates for Selected Occupations (Pence)
N_HOURLY_WAGES Hourly Wages Rates for Selected Occupations (Pence)
N_WELFARE_POP Population totals for computing welfare rates
N_WELFARE_TOT Total number of persons receiving welfare assistance
N_PAUPER_IN_OUT Able-bodied paupers by gender & age
N_ABLEBODIED_AGESEX Able-bodied paupers by gender & age
N_PAUPER_OUT_ABM_CAUSE Able-bodied male paupers: reason for granting outdoor relief

Variables, defining what data was gathered for :

Entity ID Entity Name
V_CENSUS_ACTIVE Economically Active
V_WORKING_AGE All of Working Age
V_CENSUS_EMPL Census Unemployment
V_INSURED_UNEM Insured Unemployment
V_INSURED_UNEM_TOT All persons covered by unemployment insurance
V_NAT_INS_AGESEX Categories of Persons within National Insurance
V_WAGE_OCCUP Occupations reporting wage rates
V_WELFARE_POP Total population as listed in welfare reports
V_WELFARE_TOT Total receiving welfare assistance
V_PAUPER_IN_OUT Pauper categories: Indoor & Outdoor
V_PAUPER_AGESEX Pauper categories: Men, Women & Children
V_PAUPER_OUT_ABM_CAUSE Able-bodied male pauper categories: Sick & Other