Themes are used in the Vision of Britain system to organise all our statistical data into a small number of broad categories, often identified by icons on the web site.
The Database, which everything else is contained within:
Entity ID | Entity Name |
DB | VoB Database |
Rates, for mapping and for comparing areas :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
R_CENSUS_MALE_UNEM | Male Unemployment |
R_CENSUS_MALE_SELFEMPL | Male self-employment |
R_CENSUS_FEM_ACTIVE | Female Activity Rate |
R_CLAIMANT_COUNT | Claimant Count Unemployment |
R_WELFARE | Percentage of Total Population on Poor Relief |
R_OUTDOOR_PAUPER | Outdoor Poor Relief |
R_AB_MALE_PAUPER | Poor Relief to Able-Bodied Males |
R_OUT_ABM_PAUPER_NOTSICK | Outdoor Poor Relief to Able-Bodied Males "in Health" |
Datasets or nCubes, containing the actual data :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
N_CENSUS_ACTIVE_GEN | Economically Active by Sex |
N_WORKING_AGE | All of Working Age, by Sex |
N_ADJ_LUI_UNEM_PERCENT | Percentage Unemployed by Category of the Insured (Adjusted) |
N_CENSUS_EMPL | Census Unemployment by Sex |
N_INSURED_UNEM | Claimant Count Unemployment |
N_INSURED_UNEM_TOT | All persons insured against unemployment |
N_LUI_UNEM_PERCENT | Percentage Unemployed by Category of the Insured |
N_CLAIMANT_UNEM_AGESEX | Numbers Unemployed by Category |
N_WEEKLY_WAGES | Weekly Wages Rates for Selected Occupations (Pence) |
N_HOURLY_WAGES | Hourly Wages Rates for Selected Occupations (Pence) |
N_WELFARE_POP | Population totals for computing welfare rates |
N_WELFARE_TOT | Total number of persons receiving welfare assistance |
N_PAUPER_IN_OUT | Able-bodied paupers by gender & age |
N_ABLEBODIED_AGESEX | Able-bodied paupers by gender & age |
N_PAUPER_OUT_ABM_CAUSE | Able-bodied male paupers: reason for granting outdoor relief |
Variables, defining what data was gathered for :
Entity ID | Entity Name |
V_CENSUS_ACTIVE | Economically Active |
V_WORKING_AGE | All of Working Age |
V_CENSUS_EMPL | Census Unemployment |
V_INSURED_UNEM | Insured Unemployment |
V_INSURED_UNEM_TOT | All persons covered by unemployment insurance |
V_NAT_INS_AGESEX | Categories of Persons within National Insurance |
V_WAGE_OCCUP | Occupations reporting wage rates |
V_WELFARE_POP | Total population as listed in welfare reports |
V_WELFARE_TOT | Total receiving welfare assistance |
V_PAUPER_IN_OUT | Pauper categories: Indoor & Outdoor |
V_PAUPER_AGESEX | Pauper categories: Men, Women & Children |
V_PAUPER_OUT_ABM_CAUSE | Able-bodied male pauper categories: Sick & Other |