Barony/County/Province-level age structure statistics for Ireland in 1821.

Table ID:
AGE_1821_I     (1246509)
Barony/County/Province-level age structure statistics for Ireland in 1821.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1821.


  1. This dataset is a complete transcription of the second set of tables within the county sections of the Enumeration Abstract of the 1821 Census of Ireland, titled 'Age of Persons'.
  2. This transcription was created by Humphrey Southall in September 2023 using Finereader OCR software.


  1. This table is obviously unusual in that it tabulates age without any breakdown by sex.
  2. The table covers all provinces, counties and baronies, but the data for parishes is only for the 'Counties of City' and 'Counties of Town'. So that data are provided for all county-level and all barony-level units, the totals for each of these towns and cities are included twice, at the two different levels.


  1. The sums of the different age categories were checked against the total population for all rows, and the total populations of all lower-level units were checked against the reported total population for the higher level units. The data are free of numerical inconsistencies.
  2. Following some additions to the AUO, all units have been matched to the AUO with the exception of two parishes listed within the City of Cork: 'ST MARY'S & ST BRANDON UNION' and 'ST ANNE'S & ST BRANDON UNION'. These do not appear in later censuses, and appear in addition to ST MARY'S SHANDON and ST ANNE'S SHANDON. Lewis's gazetteer, published in 1837, notes that "The church of St. Brandon, which was situate on the north side of the river, on the road to Youghal, has been entirely destroyed, but the cemetery is still in use." More local information is needed before units should be added.

Columns within table:

row_type Text string (max.len.=20). Type of row:
  • Nation (1)
  • Province (4)
  • County (40)
  • Barony (303)
  • Parish (84)
province Text string (max.len.=20). Name of the province containing the county (contains 'IRELAND' for the national total).
county Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the county. Empty only for province and national totals.
barony Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the barony. This will be empty for counties.
parish Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the parish. This will be empty for provinces, counties and baronies. Parishes are listed only within cities.
part_of Text string (max.len.=6). Contains 'P' if part of the parish was separately listed under a different barony, and otherwise empty. The notes column usually provides more details.
a_0_4 Integer number. Age 5 and Under.
a_5_9 Integer number. Age 5 To 10.
a_10_14 Integer number. Age 10 To 15.
a_15_19 Integer number. Age 15 To 20.
a_20_29 Integer number. Age 20 To 30.
a_30_39 Integer number. Age 30 To 40.
a_40_49 Integer number. Age 40 To 50.
a_50_59 Integer number. Age 50 To 60.
a_60_69 Integer number. Age 60 To 70.
a_70_79 Integer number. Age 70 To 80.
a_80_89 Integer number. Age 80 To 90.
a_90_99 Integer number. Age 90 To 100.
a_100_up Integer number. Age 100 and Upwards.
a_unknown Integer number. Age Unascertained.
tot_pop Integer number. Total Population.
province_unit Integer number. ID number for the province containing the county, as defined in the AUO.
county_unit Integer number. ID number for the county, as defined in the AUO.
barony_unit Integer number. ID number for the barony, as defined in the AUO.
parish_unit Integer number. ID number for the parish, as defined in the AUO.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number to keep rows in their original order, added on loading the data into GBHDB.