Industry data from the Scottish 1931 Census reclassified to the 2007 Standard Industrial Classification

Table ID:
IND_1931_S_SIC2007     (1251000)
Industry data from the Scottish 1931 Census reclassified to the 2007 Standard Industrial Classification
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1931.


  1. This table holds data entirely derived from Table 16, 'INDUSTRIES OF MALES AND FEMALES, AGED 14 YEARS AND OVER, IN CITIES, COUNTIES AND LARGE BURGHS.', in Census 1931: Scotland: Occupations and Industries, as held in our table ind_1931_s, but reclassified to the 2007 Standard Industrial Classification. The table includes national totals for Scotland.
  2. The table holds data for the same units as are in the source table, but NB the county figures are for residual areas after the figures for any burghs have been deducted.


  1. Each of the detailed industrial categories listed in the source table has been assigned to one of the 'Divisions' in the 2007 Classification, using the ind_1931_codebook table. This table also includes the simpler SIC 'Sections'. so it can easily be grouped into those.


  1. This table was derived programmatically from ind_1931_s, which has been carefully checked.

Columns within table:

area_name Text string (max.len.=40). Name of the county, city or burgh.
area_type Text string (max.len.=15). Type of area: 'County', 'City' or 'Burgh'.
g_unit Integer number. ID number of area, as defined in the GBHGIS AUO. NB county data held here exclude persons in the Large Burghs within the county.
sic_section Text string (max.len.=10). Letter code, running from A to U, assigning the 1931 group to a 'Section' in the 2007 SIC.
sic_section_name Text string (max.len.=130). Name of the 2007 SIC 'Section'. For example, 'A' is 'AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING' and 'U' is 'ACTIVITIES OF EXTRATERRITORIAL ORGANISATIONS AND BODIES'. The only significance of the letters is to provide an ordering.
sic_division Integer number. Integer number identifying the 2007 SIC 'Division' to which we have assigned the 1931 group. These form a single sequence running from 1 to 99.
sic_division_name Text string (max.len.=138). Name of the 2007 SIC 'Division'. For example, 'AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING' is divided into (01) 'Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities', (02) 'Forestry and logging', and (03) 'Fishing and aquaculture'. Some Sections contain only one division.
males Floating point number. Number of males employed.
females Floating point number. Number of females employed.