Infant Mortality Statistics for Local Government Districts in 1911

Table ID:
INF_MORT_EW_LGD_1911     (1251168)
Infant Mortality Statistics for Local Government Districts in 1911
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1911.


  1. This is a very partial transcription from abstract table titled 'Births, Deaths, and Natural Increase in Administrative Areas, 1911', on pp.148-178 of the Registrar General's Annual Report for 1911, made by Chris Galley. It is limited to the number of infant births and the infant mortality rate, which is reported as an integer number representing the number of infant deaths per thousand births.


  1. This dataset will eventually be replaced by a full transcription of the mortality tables for Local Government Districts from the RG's Annual Reports in the years immediately before WWI.
  2. All rows have been matched with the geographical units in GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer to ensure that all units are correctly identified. Each unit has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this can be used to cross-reference against other data-sets.
  3. The table has been systematically compared with the 1911 LGD GIS. Following the addition of some missing rows, only one 1911 polygon is missing data, for the part of Spalding RD in the Parts of Kesteven; most of this RD was in the Parts of Holland, and the missing part contained only one Civil Parish. Conversely, the table does include data for a number of districts which were abolished in or soon after 1911: Aston Manor MB (Warwickshire), Erdington UD (Warwickshire), Handsworth UD (Staffordshire), Kings Norton and Northfield UD (Worcestershire), and Yardley RD (Worcestershire), all of which were absorbed by Birmingham CB in November 1911; Castle Bromwich RD (Warwickshire), which was absorbed into Meriden RD in April 1912; and Caversham UD (Oxfordshire), which was absorbed into Reading CB in 1911.


  1. No checking has been done on the data, but Chris Galley used a list of the district names supplied by us, based on those units appearing in the 1911 LGD coverage within the Mark I GIS.


We are extremely grateful to the following:

  1. Chris Galley: No restrictions. Please acknowledge Chris Galley when presenting any results from these data.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
inf_mort_ew_lgd_1911_dist_cntyunit_idx Unique lg_dist, lg_type, adm_cnty_unit, rec_num
inf_mort_ew_lgd_1911_idx Unique lg_dist, adm_cnty, lg_type

Columns within table:

adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=44). Name of the administrative county containing the district.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=84). Name of the Local Government District.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=8). Type of District: ('CB'=County Borough, 'MB'=Municipal Borough, etc.
births Integer number. Total number of births in the district during the year.
imr Integer number. Infant Mortality Rate: deaths aged under 1 per thousand live births.
adm_cnty_unit Integer number. Unique identifier for the Administrative County, as defined in the GBH GIS Administrative Unit Ontology.
lg_dist_unit Integer number. Unique identifier for the Local Government District, as defined in the GBH GIS Administrative Unit Ontology.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in original order.