
Christchurch  Hampshire


In 1887, John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles described Christchurch like this:

Christhurch, parl. bor., seaport, and par., S. Hants, at confluence of rivers Avon and Stour, 1½ mile from the sea, 34 miles SW. of Southampton, and 113 miles SW. of London -- par., 21,264 ac. and 690 tidal water and foreshore, pop. 12,989; bor., 22,350 ac., pop. 28,535; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank, 1 newspaper. ...

Market-day, Monday; was in Saxon times known as Tweonaeteam, a name which continued until recently in the form of Christchurch Twineham. The industries of C. are unimportant -- hosiery, chains for clocks and watches, and some salmon fishing. It has a free grammar-school, a commodious military barracks, and a priory church, one of the best specimens of its kind, built in the 12th century, and restored in 1861. The bor. returns 1 member to Parliament.

Christchurch through time

Click here for graphs and data of how Christchurch has changed over two centuries. For statistics for historical units named after Christchurch go to Units and Statistics.

How to reference this page:

GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Christchurch in Hampshire | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.


Date accessed: 12th September 2024

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