Descriptive gazetteer entries

We have no further entries in our collection of 19th century descriptive gazetteers about Brentor, but we do have this information about localities within the associated parish or parishes. You may be able to find further references to Brentor in the descriptive gazetteers by doing a full-text search here.

Place Type of entry Source
North Brentor village Bartholomew

Descriptive gazetteer entries

In 1870-72, John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Brentor like this:

BRENT-TOR, or Brentor, a parish in Tavistock district, Devon; on the river Lid, 4 miles N by W of Tavistock r. station. Post Town, Tavistock. Acres, 1,212. Real property, £832. Pop., 128. Houses, 28. The manor belonged formerly to the Abbey of Tavistock; and belongs now to the Duke of Bedford. A remarkable eminence here, bearing the same name as the parish, starts abruptly from an elevated down; has an altitude of 1,100 feet; is seen at a great distance; and serves as a mark for vessels entering Plymouth har...

bour. Its form is conical; its surface, rocky; and its mineral structure, a subject of much discussion among geologists. A mine of manganese was long worked; but has been abandoned. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Exeter. Value, £60. Patron, the Duke of Bedford. The church surmounts a precipice on the crown of the Tor; is a curious weather-worn structure, 37 feet by 14½; and is said to have been built by a merchant who, overtaken by a storm at sea, vowed to erect a church on the first point of land he saw.

This is the only descriptive gazetter entry we have found, but you may be able to find further references to Brentor by doing a full-text search here.

Travel writing

Sorry, but no mentions of this place can be found.

This website includes two large libraries, of historical travel writing and of entries from nineteenth century gazetteers describing places. We have text from these sources available for these places near your location:

Place Mentioned in Travel Writing Mentioned in Hist. Gazetteer
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Lanehead 0 2
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Horndon 0 2
Lamerton 0 2
Marystow 0 3
Lewdown 0 2
Milton Abbot 0 2
Bridestowe 0 2
Petertavy 0 2
Thrushelton 0 2
Kelly 0 2
Stowford 0 2
Tavistock 10 4
Millaton 0 2
Sydenham Damerel 0 2
Bradstone 0 2
Whitchurch 0 2
Lifton 1 3