In 1870-72, John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Ealing like this:
EALING, a village and a parish in Brentford district, Middlesex. The village stands adjacent to the Great Western railway, 1½ mile N by E of Brentford; has a station on the railway with telegraph, a post office under London W, and a police station; and was formerly called Yelling. The parish contains also the hamlet of Little Ealing and the chapelry of Old Brentford. ...
Acres, 3, 814. Real property, £58, 681; of which £3, 950 are in gas-works. Pop. in 1851, 9, 828; in 1861, 11, 963. Houses, 2, 336. Pop., exclusive of Old Brentford chapelry, 5, 215. The rated property, exclusive of Old Brentford, amounts to £28, 952, and is not much divided. The manor belongs to the Bishop of London; and part of the land is common. Ealing Grove was the seat of the Gulstons; Ealing Green was the seat of Sir J. Soane; Ealing Park was the seat and death-place of Bishop Z. Pearce; Castle-Beare belonged to the Duke of Kent; and Gunnersbury Park is the seat of Baron Rothschild. Dr. Owen, Peter le Conrager, Perceval, and Fielding were residents. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of London. Value, £679.* Patron, the Bishop of London. The church was rebuilt in 1740, and was highly improved in 1866. The vicarages of Christchurch, St. Paul, and old Brentford are separate benefices. Christchurch was constituted in 1852; St. Paul, in 1864. Pop. of Christ-church, 3, 324; of St. Paul, 4, 409. Value of Christ-church vicarage, £300;* of St. Paul's, £300. Patron of C., the Bishop; of St. P., alternately the Crown and the Bishop. Two temporary churches, St. John and St. Stephen, were built in 1867. A new Independent chapel, in the Gothic style, was built in 1861, at a cost of £5, 000. Two chapels, Baptist and Wesleyan, were built in 1865. Lady Capel's boys' school has £149 from endowment; Lady Rawlinson's girls' school has £144; charities, £274.
Ealing through time
Click here for graphs and data of how Ealing has changed over two centuries. For statistics for historical units named after Ealing go to Units and Statistics.
GB Historical GIS / University of Portsmouth, History of Ealing in Middlesex | Map and description, A Vision of Britain through Time.
Date accessed: 11th September 2024
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